How to Follow a Bodybuilding Diet


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If all your hard work in the gym has produced minimal results, this guide will show you how to more successfully follow a proper diet to reach your goals.

Step 1: Get enough protein
Get enough protein from sources like whey, beans, and lean meats like chicken and fish.

A good rule of thumb is 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Step 2: Focus on good carbohydrates
Focus on good carbohydrates in whole grain breads, pastas, and fibrous fruits and vegetables like apples, sweet potatoes, and squash.

Stay away from processed sugars and white bread. These carbs will spike your blood sugar and be stored as fat.

Step 3: Try new things
Pick up a cookbook aimed specifically at helping bodybuilders achieve increased muscle mass so you can create balanced, muscle-building meals and to keep your palate from getting bored.

Step 4: Create cheat days
Create cheat days once a week to indulge in something forbidden items such as a cheeseburger or slice of pizza — just don’t go overboard.

Completely cutting out fats or depriving yourself for too long may tempt you to overindulge. Always strive for moderation.

Step 5: Plan ahead
Schedule your meals or protein shakes around your workout. Plan ahead when you’re on the go, packing a lunch and keeping healthy snacks within reach will help you stay on track.

Step 6: Tailor your plan
Tailor your eating habits to conform to your situation, likes and dislikes. Don’t force-feed yourself certain foods simply for health benefits — make sure you like them. The best bodybuilding diet is one you’ll stick to.

Did You Know?
A 2010 Gallup poll found 1 in 3 adults are obese in the fattest states in America, which include West Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Arkansas.

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