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While a new diet may seem promising, they’re often not sustainable leading people to fail at the diet, at achieving their goals, or if progress was made, regaining the weight and ending up on another diet. The key to finding the right plan or program is finding one that’s sustainable for you and your unique needs.
Here are 7 questions to consider before starting a new diet or plan from Master Coach and Registered Dietician, Jessica Isaacs:
1. Does the diet restrict or eliminate any foods or food groups?
2. Do I enjoy the foods on the diet/plan?
3. Does the diet/plan fit easily into my lifestyle?
4. Can I afford the food or supplements on this plan?
5. Does the diet allow flexibility for change?
6. Will I have support (partner, friend, family member, group)?
7. Can I stay on this diet or plan for an extended period of time without feeling deprived?
Check out the full article here:
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