How to Detox Your Liver | Bodybuilding Diet


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One of the most neglected things I see taking place every single day in most people’s health and fitness programs and muscle-building programs is that of trying to take care of your liver. What we fail to realize is every single day in a variety of different ways, from the toxins from the air we breathe to the toxins in a lot of these processed foods and things we ingest, is that your liver is filled with toxins, and can in many ways depending upon your nutritional program, and how your, how much alcohol you may be drinking, and your daily diet and so on, your liver can become fatty. You know, the liver is the main organ in your body responsible for filtering out and processing the nutrients and so on and so forth, for burning body fat and doing all of these things that you want to do as far as even building muscle. And so without having a clean detoxified liver, your body isn’t going to operate as fast as it possibly could. That’s why I recommend that you do an ongoing liver detoxification process that can really take place with, by making some healthy nutrient-infused water. You can, in the water, you can put apple cider vinegar, with the mother. The mother is simply the sediment that you see sitting at the bottom of the bottle before you shake up that apple cider vinegar. That’s simply healthy probiotic strands of protein. It just means that you’re getting an organic form of apple cider vinegar. You want to get some lemon juice. You can squeeze lemons. If you don’t want to bother squeezing lemons, you can get lemon juice in a container. That’s fine. Green tea extract works well, as well. And then mix these three nutrients — the lemon juice, the apple cider vinegar, and just a little tinge of green tea extract — into maybe a liter or so of water. The main components to this liver detox would really be the apple cider vinegar and the lemon juice. And, and many people can’t tolerate the apple cider vinegar; they think it’s just disgusting. If that’s the case, maybe just throw a tiny little splash in there. And then mix the lemon juice into the water, and drink that throughout the day. You know, you should be drinking a lot of water throughout the day, at least two liters, three liters, maybe even upwards of a gallon, at least. If you’re doing that, you may want to make your liver detox water a little separate from the regular water, so that obviously you don’t want to be drinking this, this water while you’re, while you’re eating lunch, and so on and so forth. But there’s also other herbs and nutrients that you can utilize, like mike, the milk thistle, for instance, and others. So you may want to look into other healthy ways of detoxifying your liver, because a healthy liver will mean more muscle and less fat on your body.

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