Supplements for Brain Power | Brain Boosting Foods | Brain Boosting Nootropics | Theanine for Brain Gains Ever shown up at the gym and struggled to remember if today is supposed to be international chest day or if it was yesterday? Or maybe you’re struggling with your plate math and can’t remember how to add
How to Lose Weight Fast | Nutrition for Fast Weight Loss | Dial in Your Cardio for Quick Weight Loss | Hack Your Workouts to Lose Weight Fast Want to start an online fitness flame war? Well, there is no shortage of ways to do it. An increasingly intense one in recent years is the great cardio
Supplements for Brain Power | Brain-Boosting Foods | Brain-Boosting Nootropics | Theanine for Brain Gains Green tea has been getting plenty of positive press in recent years. Today, it’s touted for its ability to support fat loss, numerous health benefits, and high antioxidant content. But these impressive attributes are only part of the story. There’s another reason
How to Lose Weight Fast | Nutrition for Fast Weight Loss | Dial in Your Cardio for Quick Weight Loss | Hack Your Workouts to Lose Weight Fast Want to lose weight? Burn more calories than you consume. Yeah, yeah—you’ve heard that part before. But beyond just nailing your diet, what can you do to
Supplements for Brain Power | Brain-Boosting Foods | Brain-Boosting Nootropics | Theanine for Brain Gains New categories of supplements and vitamins pop up all the time, but not all of them prove beneficial or effective enough to last. Nootropic supplements, though, appear to be here to stay. They are sometimes called ”smart pills,” but that’s a misnomer since nootropics don’t increase your intelligence per se.
How to Burn Fat While Building Muscle | Nutrition to Build and Burn | Hack Your Workouts to Build and Burn | Supplements to Build and Burn When it comes to burning body fat, diet and cardio are definitely important, but the way you weight train can also have a huge impact on the amount of
Supplements for Brain Power | Brain Boosting Foods | Brain Boosting Nootropics | Theanine for Brain Gains Taking supplements might seem like something you do purely for physical reasons: to build muscle, lose weight, improve health, or just have a better workout. But the benefits aren’t all from the neck down! Cognition-boosting supplements are more
How to Burn Fat While Building Muscle | Nutrition to Build and Burn | Hack Your Workouts to Build and Burn | Supplements to Build and Burn Bodybuilding and fitness articles geared toward men often say you need to bulk up when you want to increase muscle tissue. But many women (and plenty of men) have no
The Most Important Supplements | Are You Deficient in Vitamin D? | Get Micronutrients from Food Scraps | Why Micronutrients Matter | Greens Supplements Guide | Immune-Boosting Supplements Guide The so-called “standard American diet” often goes by the acronym SAD, and for good reason: It’s often sky-high in calories, but low on some of the
Supplements for Every Body | Signs of Deficiency | Get Micronutrients from Food Scraps | How Micros Impact Performance | Greens Supplements | Immune-Boosting Supplements Every day, millions of people toss valuable vitamins and minerals in the trash. It happens every time they slice off those extra bits of certain vegetables and throw them away. You may think the best way to
You’ve been a fixture on the strongman scene for nearly 20 years, but your strength journey didn’t start there. What was your first experience with lifting?   I started training weights in 1993 while working for Carnival Cruise Lines as a bartender. I lifted in a makeshift gym: a storage room at the front of the
Passing On Your Passion for Fitness to Your Kids | Upgrade Your Dad Bod | Transform Your Bod from Dad to Rad | Cary Went from Dad Bod to Dat Bod If there’s one thing a guy doesn’t want to hear in the gym, it’s someone telling him he has the dreaded “dad bod.” It means you’re not in terrible shape,
What is Olympic Lifting | Learn the Olympic Lifts | Olympic Lift Variations | Olympic Lifting and Bodybuilding | How to Master the Olympic Lifts | How to Prep for a Weightlifting Meet The beauty of Olympic weightlifting is its simplicity. There are only two lifts, so if you’re getting better at them, you’re getting better period. But the downside of weightlifting, as anyone who has gotten deep into the
Are Isolation Movements Better for Muscle Growth? | Which Comes First: Strength or Hypertrophy? | Do I Need Rest Days? | Overtraining vs. Overreaching | How to Balance Volume and Intensity | The Power of Autoregulation As simple as the concept of a rest day might seem, most people still don’t seem to really understand what it actually is.